和太鼓という楽器と、八丈太鼓という演奏スタイル、音楽というもの、それをめぐるぼくらのグルーブな日常について できるだけ面白おかしく分かりやすく書いています。 沢山の人に読んでもらうのを過剰に意識してますが、まったく高尚なものではなく、疎にして雑。目くじら立てずに読んで下さい。
 This is personal blog I write about wa-taiko, Japanese drum, style of Hachijo-taiko, music itself and our groovy lives. I write them with humor, amusing way and easy for understanding as much as possible. I am conscious in large in surplus, but it is not so lofty, might be miscellaneous. Please don't flay and do enjoy to read.


Playing taiko freely, easy?

relaxing is important @Akabane-matsuri2012

Say Hachijo-Taiko, it is "play with free style taiko". I've heard that no standard number exsist for Hachijo-taiko. Because it is played with ad-lib from the start to finish.

We practice Kojin-uchi ( ad-lib play ) in the group we belong every practice day. What you have to decide are just base-rythm and the player who would play shita-uchi (base-line) for you. Base-line are several patterns, and I myself choose "Yukichi" almost every time. Since it likes jam session, I can never play exactly same one again, even I received encore!

John-san is playing fun @Akabane-matsuri 2012
I play what pops up in heart during playing, obeying the flow of sound and rythm. Obeying speed and motion of my body and arms, phrase of taiko sound come to me and I move my arms flexibly. More concentration to my own playing and synchronize shita-uchi,  more smooth play can be realized especially between phrase and phrase.

Never think of play greatly. Never think, let's play this phrase and then this phrase then this..... Otherwise result is no good.  Best is, let your body and arms play with soul and beat

Playing taiko freely is not playing like as personified and self-satisfaction. It might make just you fun, but might not to others. That is not said "music". Playing music is to share air and to sympathize with audience. And that makes people very fun and happy.

Mawashi-uchi, another style @Akabane-matsuri 2012
Ad-lib and making people happy and impress, playing Hachijo-taiko is difficult and depthful, isn't it? Although, to think "I want people to be happy!" is easy. Right?

The best is play taiko what you want clearly in ad-lib and make all audience air be very very happy.

Sorry, I have almost never played with such experience, yet. Lots of practice let me do the way some day. Continuing practice, you know it.



自由に太鼓打つというは、自分勝手に滅茶苦茶に演奏するということではありません。滅茶苦茶に叩いても太鼓の音はするし、自分は満足するかもしれません。ただし音楽とは言えないかも。音楽をする人は、それを聞いている人にいい音を、いいリズムを聞かせて、出来ることならば共鳴してほしいと思うじゃないですか。ということは自分のものであり、みんなのもの、広い空間を共有して周りを心地よく震わせるものじゃないといけないのかなーと思うわけです。  僕って、いいこと言うなぁ。

それでいて自由にアドリブで奏でる八丈太鼓は、難しいし奥がとても深いですね。空間を使って、周りを巻き込みながら、なんなら感動を呼びながら、音を響かせる、リズムを刻む、だんだんとノッてくる、そして音のグルーヴに! そんなことを決められた曲ではなく、アドリブでするわけですからね。

そんなことできるの? と問われたら僕はきっぱりと、『出来るかもしれないし、出来ないかもしれないし、出来るかもしれないとも言えなくもなくもない的なぁ』と、応えるでしょう。

最高なのは自分も気持ちよく叩けて、自然に周りがノッているのが分かって、それに共鳴してまた僕がはまってきて、音もクリアにはずんできて、みなが思わず拍手をしてくれるときです。 アドリブでそんな空間を作れるとすばらしく気持ちいいです。









KITAMADA De Hachijo-Taiko

Harumi-sensei & Endo-sensei
 I would like to introduce another Taiko-Team I belong. It is Hachijo-taiko KITAMADA and I write article often in this blog. I have practiced playing taiko in here since 2006. Because of Relationship Endo-sensei and Harumi-sensei also train us at Myojin-Taiko at neighborhood that I also belong to..  

 I have many stages as Myojin-taiko through year, meanwhile am leaning and training taiko at KITAMADA. Thank to it, I can show my playing  in front of audience everywhere.

 Here is profile of KITAMADA.
Member  20 (age. 20 - 80 for now) 
Schedule  13:00 - 17:00 Every Saturday.

Place Higashi-Jujo, Kita-ku, Tokyo (Fureai-kan music room)
Stages Akabane-Taisai(bakamatsuri), Elder respect party.
Recruite Enytime over 16 years old
Tuition Fee 6,000 yen / month

 We are practicing taiko with sincerely every week. Sometimes it is hard training, but all are gentle and warm members. Come and enjoy Taiko with us.

John-san at Akabane-matsuri
John-san and me started practice of taiko in KITAMADA almost same time. Both of us are also Myojin-taiko member in Tsurumi Yokohama.
This year's Akabane-matsuri will be held 28th and 29th April.

All member will play solo in ad-lib. This is Hachijo-style..
Shitauchi(base of session) for
John-san will be me on Akabane-matsuri. Harumi-sensei will play Shitauchi for my playing.
 I am bit tense but I want to play of my best! Please come to see. 28th and 29th, Apri 10:30-11:10 at Akabane-station north exit space.


八丈太鼓キタマダ の紹介


所属 20人ほど(20歳代~80歳代まで) わきあいあいと
練習 毎週土曜日13:00~17:00

練習場所 東京都北区東十条 ふれあい館(音楽室)
出演 赤羽大祭り(馬鹿祭り) 毎年4月28日、29日 あたり
北区 敬老会など
(過去の出演) なでしこジャパンカップオープニング、YMCA文化祭 など
メンバー募集 16歳以上随時
月謝 6,000円





参加資格 全く不問 (健全で太鼓を好きなれそうな人ならどなたでも)
稽古場所  JR京浜東北線鶴見駅から徒歩5分の鶴見神社
稽古時間 毎週火曜日20:30~21:30
月謝 3,000円
講師 八丈太鼓の遠藤先生(八丈太鼓キタマダ)
お仕事(出演) 鶴見神社年越し太鼓、、鶴見警察武道始め、節分太鼓、田祭り、天王祭、
江ヶ崎神社祭り、岸谷盆踊り、江ヶ崎敬老会、東台小学校地区光の子フェスティバル(予定)、その他鶴見区内の行事多数 (稽古があまりない割に出演は多い)
現在の大人のメンバ 4名(だからもっと集まって欲しい~)
現在の子供のメンバ  12名ぐらい(みんな元気!)
