和太鼓という楽器と、八丈太鼓という演奏スタイル、音楽というもの、それをめぐるぼくらのグルーブな日常について できるだけ面白おかしく分かりやすく書いています。 沢山の人に読んでもらうのを過剰に意識してますが、まったく高尚なものではなく、疎にして雑。目くじら立てずに読んで下さい。
 This is personal blog I write about wa-taiko, Japanese drum, style of Hachijo-taiko, music itself and our groovy lives. I write them with humor, amusing way and easy for understanding as much as possible. I am conscious in large in surplus, but it is not so lofty, might be miscellaneous. Please don't flay and do enjoy to read.


Excellent feeling like bowing tree in the storm.

I feel excellent when I feel I don't overstrain myself and my body is always bowing like a thin tree in storm.

My master often used to said that all my body moving were set, during first days of my taiko life.  These days, I understand how set was and how flexible is. I still am feeling I am still learning, though.

Anyhow, having rotational hip and pumping legs, you can have dynamically bowing body. Up, down and rolling of your legs and hip lead your upper body nice. It is important for sports that your hip and legs are light, flexible and strong. It is exactly same for taiko playing.
 Like this picture, range of movement of bachi(sticks)'s is such wide, if you move legs and hip as much as possible, Of course, to have wider range of movement, you need to keep your upper body and both arms very relax. For example, when you are intending to move right arm very wide, naturally left arm is also swinging widely as keeping balance. Then left arm continue to move widely and hit taiko!  All motion have relation and linkage.
I like it.


How to make written music of taiko.

 Of course all kind of music style will be complicated and fun, if there are more than one rhythm and sound same time.  So is taiko, of course. It is fun of session!

 Regarding Hachijo-taiko, as I’ve written here several times, there always are two sounds, Sita-uchi (rhythm of base line) and Uwa-uchi( ad-lib phrase on base ). We make great sound by session of Shita-uchi and Uwa-uchi.

 For example;

1) very basic standard of omote-uchi session.
2) very basic standard of ura-uchi session.

 Repeating omote-uchi session sound simple and easy to listen. If you mix ura-uchi among omote-uchi phrases, sound might get bounce feeling. 
 When you write a omote-uchi instead of music note, it is declared 

If we make music code of Hachijo-taiko daringly,

Anther example,

It's fun!











♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪・・ の下打ちに対して
♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪・・ の上打ち。

♪ ♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪・・ の下打ちに対して
 ♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪、♪・・ の上打ち。



トントト、トントト、トトスト、ストトト ・・・








nekase-uchi : The moment of attack, the angle between taiko's face and bachi(stick) is close to 0 degrees.
tatete-uchi : The moment of attack, the angle between taiko's face and bachi(stick) is close to 90 degrees.

 First of all, I have to say I am not saying your play style is wrong, even if you do 'nekase-uchi' when you play taiko. I am writing this very nervously, because most of taiko player from professional to amateur seem to play it by 'nekase-uchi'.

 Do 'tatete-uchi', I have been coached from my master from beginning. 
Depending on style and music, nobody say which 'nekase-uchi' or 'tatete-uchi' better is, but I think 'tetete-uchi' is rational for making sound, and the way you feel less physical stress, especially on your wrists.

 Because of playing taiko long time, player got wrist pain or sever inflamed of wrists , I have heard often. I think 'nekase-uchi' might cause such sympton.

 Meanwhile, I and my friends who is doing 'tatete-uchi' sytle have not gotten such experience for almost 10 years.
 'Tatete-uchi' allows you make taiko's variable sounds, anyway. 
With Tatete-uchi, bachi attacks pinpoint on face of taiko and can make sharp(keen?) sounds according with your handling such as swinging and hitting of the play.

 Let's try as much as you are forgiven with your master and the traditional style that you are learning.
'Tatete-uchi' might be little bit difficult until you got used to it, but there are variable things, if you grab! 




僕は太鼓はばちを立てて打つ指導を受けてきました。 流儀や曲によりけりですので、一概には優劣を言えることではないですが、ばちを立てての打ち方は、音的にとても合理的で、物理的にも腕に負担のかからない方法だと思います。





How do you play taiko?

face to face
I have written that most of people think Wa-daiko players(male) must wear 'fundoshi'. Also many people think strongly they should play Wa-daiko by face-to-face (to the taiko surface) manner.

 At festival etc., people who line up to try to play, look like as hitting robust door with both fists and shouting "Open! Please open! I am innocent!!".

Of course this way of playing taiko is not wrong. Instead, Many style of playing wa-daiko, people do this way. So it looks quite standard. See Bon-odori taiko, Buddhism Matsuri with dance.
on the ground
Or, you can put taiko on the ground(surface of taiko is upper side) and play move both arm same way.

Anyhow, my playing taiko style is yoko-uchi (yoko means 'side', not a girl's name in this case.) , facing one side of my body to the surface of taiko.
 I sincerely think this style let my arms and body move very wide range. I move body dynamically such as dance or martial art. I can take the distance very long and also very short between bachi(sticks) and the taiko's face. So, with this style, I am still feeling difficulty of playing taiko as music. With this 'yoko-uchi' style, you feel all the body parts hands, arms, shoulders, body, hip, legs and feet are connecting bachi, and become a flexible structure. (Am I explaining it well in English?)

Although, I’ve heard the original Hachijo-taiko is face-to-face style. I have seen that ladys with kimono were playing taiko. That was very beautifull. I would like to introduce it some day.




 太鼓と言えば、フンドシ! というイメージが根強い、といったお話しを書いた覚えがあります。そして、そういえば、太鼓と言えば正面で打つという、強烈なイメージも大衆のおのおの方にはあるようです。



