和太鼓という楽器と、八丈太鼓という演奏スタイル、音楽というもの、それをめぐるぼくらのグルーブな日常について できるだけ面白おかしく分かりやすく書いています。 沢山の人に読んでもらうのを過剰に意識してますが、まったく高尚なものではなく、疎にして雑。目くじら立てずに読んで下さい。
 This is personal blog I write about wa-taiko, Japanese drum, style of Hachijo-taiko, music itself and our groovy lives. I write them with humor, amusing way and easy for understanding as much as possible. I am conscious in large in surplus, but it is not so lofty, might be miscellaneous. Please don't flay and do enjoy to read.


How do you play taiko?

face to face
I have written that most of people think Wa-daiko players(male) must wear 'fundoshi'. Also many people think strongly they should play Wa-daiko by face-to-face (to the taiko surface) manner.

 At festival etc., people who line up to try to play, look like as hitting robust door with both fists and shouting "Open! Please open! I am innocent!!".

Of course this way of playing taiko is not wrong. Instead, Many style of playing wa-daiko, people do this way. So it looks quite standard. See Bon-odori taiko, Buddhism Matsuri with dance.
on the ground
Or, you can put taiko on the ground(surface of taiko is upper side) and play move both arm same way.

Anyhow, my playing taiko style is yoko-uchi (yoko means 'side', not a girl's name in this case.) , facing one side of my body to the surface of taiko.
 I sincerely think this style let my arms and body move very wide range. I move body dynamically such as dance or martial art. I can take the distance very long and also very short between bachi(sticks) and the taiko's face. So, with this style, I am still feeling difficulty of playing taiko as music. With this 'yoko-uchi' style, you feel all the body parts hands, arms, shoulders, body, hip, legs and feet are connecting bachi, and become a flexible structure. (Am I explaining it well in English?)

Although, I’ve heard the original Hachijo-taiko is face-to-face style. I have seen that ladys with kimono were playing taiko. That was very beautifull. I would like to introduce it some day.
