和太鼓という楽器と、八丈太鼓という演奏スタイル、音楽というもの、それをめぐるぼくらのグルーブな日常について できるだけ面白おかしく分かりやすく書いています。 沢山の人に読んでもらうのを過剰に意識してますが、まったく高尚なものではなく、疎にして雑。目くじら立てずに読んで下さい。
 This is personal blog I write about wa-taiko, Japanese drum, style of Hachijo-taiko, music itself and our groovy lives. I write them with humor, amusing way and easy for understanding as much as possible. I am conscious in large in surplus, but it is not so lofty, might be miscellaneous. Please don't flay and do enjoy to read.


KITAMADA De Hachijo-Taiko

Harumi-sensei & Endo-sensei
 I would like to introduce another Taiko-Team I belong. It is Hachijo-taiko KITAMADA and I write article often in this blog. I have practiced playing taiko in here since 2006. Because of Relationship Endo-sensei and Harumi-sensei also train us at Myojin-Taiko at neighborhood that I also belong to..  

 I have many stages as Myojin-taiko through year, meanwhile am leaning and training taiko at KITAMADA. Thank to it, I can show my playing  in front of audience everywhere.

 Here is profile of KITAMADA.
Member  20 (age. 20 - 80 for now) 
Schedule  13:00 - 17:00 Every Saturday.

Place Higashi-Jujo, Kita-ku, Tokyo (Fureai-kan music room)
Stages Akabane-Taisai(bakamatsuri), Elder respect party.
Recruite Enytime over 16 years old
Tuition Fee 6,000 yen / month

 We are practicing taiko with sincerely every week. Sometimes it is hard training, but all are gentle and warm members. Come and enjoy Taiko with us.

John-san at Akabane-matsuri
John-san and me started practice of taiko in KITAMADA almost same time. Both of us are also Myojin-taiko member in Tsurumi Yokohama.
This year's Akabane-matsuri will be held 28th and 29th April.

All member will play solo in ad-lib. This is Hachijo-style..
Shitauchi(base of session) for
John-san will be me on Akabane-matsuri. Harumi-sensei will play Shitauchi for my playing.
 I am bit tense but I want to play of my best! Please come to see. 28th and 29th, Apri 10:30-11:10 at Akabane-station north exit space.