和太鼓という楽器と、八丈太鼓という演奏スタイル、音楽というもの、それをめぐるぼくらのグルーブな日常について できるだけ面白おかしく分かりやすく書いています。 沢山の人に読んでもらうのを過剰に意識してますが、まったく高尚なものではなく、疎にして雑。目くじら立てずに読んで下さい。
 This is personal blog I write about wa-taiko, Japanese drum, style of Hachijo-taiko, music itself and our groovy lives. I write them with humor, amusing way and easy for understanding as much as possible. I am conscious in large in surplus, but it is not so lofty, might be miscellaneous. Please don't flay and do enjoy to read.


Golden Week started by our TAIKO!

many audiences like her

We spent busy weekend this year 28th and 29th of April. Around those days every year, Golden Week holiday start in Japan. It likes as starting festival season! People go out and visit many place and enjoy many things. Of course Taiko are played at everywhere around Japan.

Anyway, We are invited a opening ceremony of festival call Akabane-baka-matsuri and Ta-matsuri these days as an annual event. Akabane-baka-matsuri is held in front of Akabane st. in Kitaku, Tokyo. And Ta-matsuri is held in the garden of Tsurumi-Jinja (Shinto shrine), Tsurumi, Yokohama.

We play taiko at very first of the festival and then people feel "Yahoo! Festival began now!!". Especially AKabane Matsuri is held 2days and we play taiko each opening term of both days. No other artist group perform both 2 days. Therefore we might be special artist in local Akabane. Thank you!

play together!
This year, luckily these day were very fine weather. But, during performance , we felt very hot. After palyed two title, I almost came over dizzy and was hardly to move arms. Needed some rest to continue. It was totally different playing taiko under the sun from doing in the room.

Audience are growing year after year. It makes us be more excited ! Last year Akabane-baka-matsuri was cancelled because of big earth quick of eastern Japan. With its reboud(?), I saw more than 300 hundred (in 2 days) people who enjoyed our taiko. Thank you!

2 件のコメント:

  1. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  2. Where is that handsome devil, John-san? I don't see any pictures of him here.
